As a tenant, understanding your tenancy agreement is crucial before signing it, as this document outlines your rights, responsibilities, and obligations as a renter. However, many tenancy agreements can be a challenge to read, understand, and follow, making it difficult for tenants to know exactly what they are signing up for. Thankfully, more landlords are now adopting easy-read tenancy agreements to ensure that their tenants fully understand the terms of the rental agreement. In this article, we will discuss what an easy-read tenancy agreement is and why it is beneficial to both the landlord and tenant.

What is an Easy-Read Tenancy Agreement?

An easy-read tenancy agreement is designed to be easily understood by anyone, regardless of their reading level or language skills. This type of agreement uses clear and simple language, short sentences, bullet points, and illustrations to explain the terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement. The goal of an easy-read tenancy agreement is to ensure that tenants understand their rights and obligations, particularly those who may have difficulties reading or have English as a second language.

Why Should Landlords Use Easy-Read Tenancy Agreements?

1. Compliance with Law: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidelines recommend that landlords provide tenants with clear and concise tenancy agreements. Easy-read tenancy agreements comply with the law by providing the tenant with all the necessary information in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

2. Avoid Misunderstandings: When tenants do not understand the terms and conditions of their tenancy agreement, they may unintentionally violate rules, leading to misunderstandings, and potentially, legal disputes with their landlord. An easy-read tenancy agreement reduces the likelihood of such misunderstandings and disputes, as tenants can easily understand their responsibilities.

3. Build Trust: A clear and concise tenancy agreement builds trust between the landlord and tenant. By providing an easy-read agreement, the landlord demonstrates their commitment to being transparent and fair to their tenants.

4. Positive Public Relations: Landlords who use easy-read tenancy agreements are likely to receive positive feedback and reviews from their tenants. Tenants appreciate landlords who take the time to ensure that they understand their tenancy agreement.

Why Should Tenants Sign an Easy-Read Tenancy Agreement?

1. Understandable: An easy-read tenancy agreement is designed to be easily understood. Therefore, signing an easy-read agreement ensures that tenants understand their rights and obligations before signing the rental agreement.

2. Avoid Legal Disputes: A clear and concise agreement reduces the likelihood of legal disputes between the landlord and tenant. When tenants understand their responsibilities, they are less likely to breach the terms of the agreement.

3. Build Trust: By understanding their tenancy agreement, tenants can build trust with their landlord. They know what is expected of them and can, therefore, fulfill their obligations as a tenant.

4. Positive Relationship with Landlord: Tenants who feel that their landlord has their best interest at heart are more likely to have a positive relationship with their landlord. An easy-read tenancy agreement can build this positive relationship, ensuring that tenants feel comfortable reaching out to their landlord with queries or concerns.


In conclusion, an easy-read tenancy agreement is an excellent way for landlords to ensure that tenants understand their rights and obligations. By using clear and concise language, illustrations, bullets, and short sentences, tenants can easily understand what they are signing up for. Furthermore, easy-read tenancy agreements reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and legal disputes, building trust between the landlord and tenant. As a tenant, always ensure that you fully understand your tenancy agreement before signing it.